Dark Meridian
Thinking of you, wherever you are.
We pray for our sorrows to end, and
hope for our hearts to blend.
Now I will step forward to realize this wish.
And who knows:
Starting a new journey may not be so hard,
Or maybe it has already begun.
There are many worlds, but they
share the same sky.
One destiny.
my tries are over long, long ago. deceiving people was funny... I guess... seeing them deceive themselves wasn't as fun as I expected. anyway, I still hope for my future to be as bright as the realm between day and night, the twilight of light and darkness, where I always belonged. not white, not black, gray as always.
hmm... it's funny... nowadays, I think too much about everyone else, the exact opposite of what it was last time, when I only thought about myself...
"Simple and Clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight"
it's all happening again... a book, a film, a game... why do I always cry? happy endings, sad endings... paradoxal endings... well... a game is replayable and I can change its endings as long as I keep playing it. a movie won't be changeable because it's already done as someone imagined it and a book... the hardest... I can always re-read it and re-model the characters... but... it'll always end the same way.
well my story... just doesn't end now, not 29 minutes from the event that always made me cry. 16 whole years and I always cried in my birthdate.
to know the unknown, I kept telling to myself, I had to know what I didn't, all human beings have to even though... I wasn't quite human anymore, I always stood up from a different path. I was always better than others...
then that guy with the keyblade appeared... keyblade... not a keyblade, a fake one... some weapon... and there I went flying as fast as it was possible for the nature of this fool, incomplete world.
and so... I can't gatter hearts, I can't gatter souls, I can't recreate my own world, I can't be a King, I can't be an Emperor, nor can I judge you all... but I always wished it, since I was young... like 4 or 5, I was thaught about the apocalipse, the armaggedon, the final judgement and I always wished, I always wished, for being weaker, to judge people. and I still hope it'll happen, dark wings, or just a plain wand, whatever it has to come, it will and I will have what I deserve and so will you.
however... I don't see happiness in that... I see everyone having the faith I want them too, I see myself as the most likely happiest of beings for avenging myself over everyone... but I wouldn't be happy... not just with that.
power thirst...
I have no weapons to confront you...
so... I hold the light and the darkness of my heart... I'm no nobody... I am not a heartless either. and I won't rule. dreaming is good and memories are nice but that's all they are...
so... what I want to say is... for 16 years I have been in this incomplete world and nothing will change and I'll keep dreaming and wait for resolution of my errors and other people's.
and so... as a last wish and the one I really want realized... is peace and hope for those who lost their ways. I want everyone who's lost to return to where they belong, I want love to be where it should. I want no more hearts broken and I want no more lifes spent in vain.
that's it.
TiagoFilipe crónica dos 16 anos
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