the fame.

I only write for the fame,
I only live for pain,
Isn't it all a shame?

But I'm so hateful,
Mint cigars, filthy pouts and absinthe,
Jeans tighter than virgins in the 50s,
Chains in my pocket, fake raybans and crosses in my neck.
It's all so pity, everything so kinky,
The human body so simple, yet so mystified...

I can run the world, world, world
But never own the heart of a girl,
Only heads and minds, selfs and binds.

There's a little black spot on the sun today...
I'll always be king of pain,
k-k-k-king of pain.


Mensagens populares deste blogue

Furacão de Esmeraldas


David e (en)Golias.