bad liar.

"so many are still waiting for their new beggining, their birth by sleep. even me. even you."

and you were a bad liar... one of the worst of all I met. I would even asume I was a better liar than you. really sorry. really serious.

yet I see your fake tears while you stand up and even want to laugh at them. you bad liar, you filthy poor creature. wear beauty as a mask.

you can cry all you want, you san say that you love me, you can do as you will. I'm going to die either way. you can...

you can... you can be a terrible liar but I'm even worse. I love you, I just do, I love you more than anything in this world and I want you forever. just... don't leave me... keep our lies alive so we can be connected.

"all hearts wait for us to reconnect."


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